Témoigner des violences faites aux filles dans la littérature de tangata whenua écrite par des femmes. Le cas des récits courts.
Le 25 février, à 18 heures, nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir la chercheuse Tania Gomez Perochena, doctorante au Goldsmith College de l’université de Londres, pour une présentation suivie d’un débat.
Lien principal: https://rendez-vous.renater.fr/WebinarioTaniaGomez_03d581-17b0e1-a40f53
Titre de la présentation
Through the Journey of Land and Territory: Earth Struggles in Latin American Anticolonialism
The calls to “learn new ways to inhabit the Earth,” “learn how to land on Earth again,” and “re-territorialize ourselves on this Earth,” which gained prominence in Western ecological theory, present this ‘territorial’ shift towards the Earth as a groundbreaking action. In this PhD, I propose a different genealogy of Territory, traced in the long-term learning processes of Indigenous and peasants’ anticolonial movements in Latin America. I propose that ‘territory’ is not a novel concept of a 90s epistemological rupture but is rather a new synthesis of a long history of multispecies inhabitation in resistance. It is a sedimentation of the first experiences of land recuperation, which is the ground from where Earth is defended. To show the Latin American journey of land-territory-Earth, I will show how the territory defence is present as a possibility in the struggle for land for those who work it that peaked in the 20th century, in the cases where the recovered land was not taken as an object for human subsistence, but more expansively as landscape inhabited by multiple beings whose relations can be cultivated in autonomy. Secondly, I will show how these incipient elements of a defensive act of multiple inhabitations will be expressed in the grammar of the defence of the web of life. In this way, alliances of indigenous, non-indigenous and non-humans learn to express the resistance of their worlds to an autonomous inhabitation on this Planet as an Earth struggle.
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